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The Way of St Cuthbert is almost certainly the United Kingdom’s premier pilgrimage and one of its most iconic and profoundly meaningful long distance walks. The Way spans the Border country of Scotland and England, following the life and wanderings of one of our best loved Saints, from Melrose all the way to Lindisfarne, by way of the hidden gem that is the Northumberland National Park.
While the Camino to Santiago de Compostella may be the best known of pilgrimages, the St Cuthbert’s Way allows us to take on a spiritually rewarding walk much closer to home and over a shorter distance. It can easily be completed in five to six days, rewarding the weary walker with an unforgettable finale: the crossing of the tidal sands that separate Lindisfarne from mainland Northumberland. There may of course be many other rewards, however, for you are invited to visit the Farne Islands, where St Cuthbert passed his last days. Perhaps most importantly, you are invited to contemplate the hard worn lessons and wisdom (the boon that you have earned) that you will be returning home with.

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